Algorithms and the World of Work

Worldwide, workers and their representatives are being confronted with algorithmically-driven automation in the workplace – through the introduction of specific automated procedures to manage the workforce, leading to new forms of workplace surveillance and possibly undermining workers’ rights. As our new report shows, trade unions are now called upon to focus on practical advice and guidance to empower union representatives and negotiators to deal with the challenges that automation puts onto workers.

The AlgorithmWatch report, commissioned by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), presents the findings of a global mapping exercise aimed at identifying and sketching responses of trade unions. With the focus on transparency and accountability of algorithms in the world of work, the report includes exemplary insights from 26 select countries.

You can search the databsae below for the specific examples we describe in the report, using the filter options next to the search bar to select by Country, Work Related Focus (e.g. collective bargaining or platform work), Contributions (European, global, sector specific etc.) Years, Activities, and Entity Types (who is the entity concerned).

Algorithms & the World of Work

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