Report ‘Automating Society’: video of the launch event & press review
Overview of the press coverage of the report 'Automating Society - Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU' and the video of the launch event

Video of the launch event in the EP
On 29 January we presented the report Automating Society – Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU in the European Parliament. The official launch event was kindly hosted by the MEPs Liisa Jaakonsaari (S&D), Julia Reda (Greens/EFA) and Michał Boni (EPP). They commented on the key findings and the results of the report were then discussed by a panel of experts The full programme of the event in the European Parliament can be found here (PDF).
Press review
Resist the robot takeover
We must not hand over important decisions to algorithms we don’t understand.
Politico Europe (op-ed)
12 February 2019
Report warns EU to invest in algorithm oversight
EU Observer (snippet)
29 January 2019
Algoritmerne og rettighederne
(The algorithms and rights)
24syv, Aflyttet (radio interview)
10 February 2019
Auch in Europa entscheiden längst Maschinen
(In Europe, as well, machines already decide)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (article)
29 January 2019
Künstliche Intelligenz: Überall in Europa entscheiden schon Algorithmen
(Artificial Intelligence: Around Europe, algorithms already decide)
Heise Online (article)
29 January 2019
Ethik in der Künstlichen Intelligenz - Moral für Maschinen?
(Ethics in Artificial Intelligence - Moral for Machines?)
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, breitband (radio discussion)
2 February 2019
Automatisierte Entscheidungssysteme: „Das passiert auch hier in Europa sehr wohl“
(Automated decision-making systems: "This is happening here in Europe too".)
Deutschlandfunk, Computer und Kommunikation (interview)
2 February 2019
Automatiserat beslutsfattande saknar lagar och regler
(Automated decision-making lacks laws and regulations)
KvalitetsMagasinet (article)
31 January 2019
En hypotetisk rättighet (Scan, JPEG)
(A hypothetical right)
Flamman (article)
31 January 2019
Är Sverige redo att låta maskinerna bestämma?
(Is Sweden ready to let the machines decide?) (article)
29 January 2019
Kritik mot Trelleborg
(Criticism against Trelleborg)
Voister (article)
5 February 2019
Veckans fråga: Ska AI få fatta myndighetsbeslut? PAYWALL
(Question of the week: Should AI make decisions on the behalf of public authorities?)
Dagens ETC (article)
8 February 2019
Avtomatiziranega strojnega odločanja
(Automated decision-making)
Radio Student FM 89.3, Britoff (radio)
31 January 2019
AlgorithmWatch report: 7 key recommendations for improving Automated Decision-Making in the EU
Packt (article)
30 January 2019