
Conferences, workshops and panel discussions AlgorithmWatch participates in and contributes to

19 January | 15:15 CET | Hans Böckler Stiftung
Machtfragen der Digitalisierung – Abschlusskonferenz des Forschungsverbunds Digitalisierung, Mitbestimmung, gute Arbeit
Kooperation, Konflikt, Chaos? Zur Gegenwart und Zukunft von Algorithmen und Mitbestimmung
Plenum mit Bettina Haller (Siemens AG), Dr. Johanna Wenckebach, (Hugo-Sinzheimer-Institut), Andree Thieltges (TUM) & Matthias Spielkamp (AW), Moderation: Melanie Stein [de]

20 January | 15:15 CET | German Federal Foreign Office & Federal Ministry of
Justice and Consumer Protection
Human Rights in the Era of AI – Europe as international Standard Setter for Artificial Intelligence
Expectations for AI regulation within the Council of Europe and beyond
Panel debate with Peggy Valcke (KU Leuven/CAHAI), Oksana Tarasenko (Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation), Daniel Leufer (Access Now), Yoichi Iida, (Member of the Japanese CAHAI delegation) & Matthias Spielkamp (AW)

25 January | 16:30 CET | AlgorithmWatch & Bertelsmann Stiftung
Launch event of the German country issue of the Automating Society Report 2020
with Anna Christmann (MdB Grüne, Obfrau Enquete KI), Wolfgang Teves (BMJV/CAHAI), Tino Eilenberger (ITDZ Berlin), Ralph Müller-Eiselt (Bertelsmann Stiftung) und Matthias Spielkamp (AW) [de]

28 January | 14:15 CET | CPDP Computers, Privacy & Data Protection
Algorithm-assisted decision-making in the public sector: govern algorithms, while governing by algorithms
Panel with Cornelia Kutterer (Microsoft) Ger Baron (City of Amsterdam), Jennifer Cobbe (University of Cambridge) & Matthias Spielkamp (AW)

28 January | 17:30 CET | AlgorithmWatch Switzerland & Bertelsmann Stiftung
Launch event of the Swiss country issue of the Automating Society Report 2020
with Nadja Braun Binder (Universität Basel), Peppino Giarritta (Beauftragter Digitale Verwaltung Schweiz), Balthasar Glättli (Präsident GRÜNE Schweiz, Nationalrat ZH), Carla Hustedt (Bertelsmann Stiftung) & Anna Mätzener (AW CH), Moderation: Nicolas Zahn [de]

29 January | 14:15 CET | CPDP Computers, Privacy & Data Protection
AI regulation in Europe & fundamental rights
Panel with Peggy Valcke (CAHAI), Oreste Pollicino, (OECD GPAI) & MEP Alexandra Geese & Friederike Reinhold (AW), moderator: Merve Hickok (AIethicist)

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