#recruiting (3 results)

Digital Bouncers: AI in Recruiting

Automated decision-making systems are increasingly used by companies to decide who is best for a job. Applicants are worried about being rejected by a machine, based on programmed prejudices. In Switzerland, employers are especially reluctant to speak about the hiring algorithms that they use.

LinkedIn automatically rates “out-of-country” candidates as “not fit” in job applications

A feature on LinkedIn automatically rates candidates applying from another EU country as “not a fit”, which may be illegal. I asked 6 national and European agencies about the issue. None seemed interested in enforcing the law.

Controversial service that ranked job seekers based on personal emails folds following AlgorithmWatch investigation

A Finnish company that automatically parsed the personal emails of job applicants to assess their corporate “fit” discontinued its service after reports by AlgorithmWatch and others raised questions about its legality.