Digital Services Act

AlgorithmWatch’s input on New EU Data Access Rules

AlgorithmWatch has responded to the European Commission’s consultation around achieving greater access to data from Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines, via Article 40(4) of the Digital Services Act.


9 December 2024


The response builds on AlgorithmWatch’s broader work on the Digital Services Act (DSA) and its implementation, alongside ongoing efforts to access and utilize data for public interest research. It also reflects practical experience with an Article 40(4)-style request under the DSA Election Guidelines.

The response is divided into three parts: 

  1. A background section on the DSA & Research in Practice, building on AlgorithmWatch’s experiences;
  2. Specific proposals for improving on the Draft;
  3. An Annex with input from other researchers about the types of data that should be included for inclusion in Recital 12.

The Delegated Act is a strong starting point, but needs some clarification and specification. AlgorithmWatch’s response includes proposals to strengthen the draft, focusing on:

The real test will be in how these rules are implemented and function in practice. Read the specific proposals here: