Josephine Lulamae

Articles for AlgoritmWatch

Greece is planning a €40m automated surveillance system at borders with North Macedonia and Albania

AI-powered surveillance

In Mannheim, an automated system reports hugs to the police

AI surveillance rumors: gay adult content creators face sanctions

In Germany, a daycare allocation algorithm is separating siblings

A dollar for your face: Meet the people behind Machine Learning models

Does a simple algorithm help against domestic violence?

Italian neofascists considered building an authoritarian AI to solve unemployment. They are far from alone.

Greece plans automated drones to spot people crossing border

Details of the Doctolib contract shed light on hiccups in Berlin’s vaccination drive

The BAMF’s controversial dialect recognition software: new languages and an EU pilot project

Digital Bouncers: AI in Recruiting

Philipp Schmitt & AT&T Laboratories Cambridge / Better Images of AI / Data flock (faces) / CC-BY 4.0

War Crimes OSINT, Harassment, Doxxing Police and Protesters: Face Recognition for Everyone