Become a friend of AlgorithmWatch!

Make sure that algorithms and artificial intelligence strengthen justice, democracy and sustainability instead of weakening them. Become a supporting member of AlgorithmWatch - starting at just 5 euros per month.

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Your contribution as a supporting member:

  • You help us keep informing people about the use and consequences of AI systems and show them how to defend their rights.
  • You enable us to carry out important journalistic research and scientific research projects in which we investigate whether the use of digital technologies follows ethical principles.
  • You help us bring our expertise to decision-makers in politics and the industry.

Your benefits as a supporting member:

  • You officially become a "Friend of AlgorithmWatch."
  • You will receive an exclusive welcome package with a small thank-you gift.
  • As a "Friend of AlgorithmWatch," we will keep you posted on all the latest developments in our work.
  • We regularly invite you to AlgorithmWatch events where we talk about current topics online or on site.
  • Supporting membership contributions are tax-deductible. You will receive a donation receipt for all your donations in February of the following year.
  • You can cancel your sponsoring membership informally at any time.

Get in touch!

Bianca Brieden
Head of Fundraising

Become a "Friend of AlgorithmWatch"! We are looking forward to seeing our community of supporters grow and welcoming you as part of it.

When donating through the online form, your data will be transmitted to our service provider, Twingle GmbH. For more information, see our privacy policy.


AlgorithmWatch is a part of Transparency International Germany’s „Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft“ (Initiative for a Transparent Civil Society). Please visit our finance report page for more information about how we use your donation.